Lacan and Hermeneutics of Knowledge. Hermeneutics and Phenomenology, NSPR, Oslo 8-9 Juni 2007.
Some Remarks on Non-Relation Concerning the Relational Self. Religion and Subjectivity: Reconsidering the Relational Self, Center for Subjectivity Research, Copenhagen, 13-15 March 2008.
Sacrifice as Foundational Myth of Demand, Desire and Prohibition or the Dialectic of Law and Event. Sacrifce, ESPR, Oslo, 28-31 August 2008.
Insistence of the Cynical. Cynism and other Forms of Ideology, NSU Symposium, Nice, 19-22 March 2009.
Gud i Jacques Lacans psykoanalys. (God in Jacques Lacans Psychoanalysis) Svenska kyrkans forskardagar, Stockholm, 2-3 December 2009.
Föredrag (Public lectures):
Tröst – att ge vad man inte har till någon som inte vill ha det. (Comfort – to give what one do not have to someone who do not want it) Comfort and Fear, HT-dagarna, Lund, 24-25 April 2009.
Ge vad du inte har till en som inte vill ha det. (Give what you do not have to one who do not want it.) Symposium ”The Cellar of Love”, Teater Institutet, Inkonst, Malmö, 12 December 2009.