fredag 7 september 2012

Woman by Institutet, Trondheim, Bastardfestival, 11-12/9 2012

WOMAN by Institutet
Trondheim, Bastadrfestival, 11-12 September 2012


Man's desire for Woman is a symptom of what he lacks: What he lacks he desires.

The problem of the man: Woman possesses what he desires: the lack.

He... he has a penis - but, he has no idea what to do whit it. Eventually, he wants to embody Woman.

Woman is a phallus, the symptom of man's desire. The phallus is a signifier of the lack.

We know this: Woman holds the lack, desired by man.

It turns him on. And he becomes aware of his penis.

The Greek word for instrument is “organ”. Man believes his organ makes her enjoy.

Make the enjoyment of Woman instrumental! Orchestrated by man...

Having a penis and holding a phallus are two very different things. Woman holds the phallus;

The phallus (!) is not a penis!

Could he possibly supplement her enjoyment, while she enjoys? Give Her MORE.

Woman enjoys. There is nothing MORE to it.

He fills Her. With love, with bliss, makes her complete. Make himself complete.

Woman enjoy. Are you not? [to the female audience] Do you? [to the male audience] Want to fill Her lack? In each other's arms, are you aware of him [to female audience], are you aware of her [to male audience] when it CUMS?

And this is what the man cannot: enjoy the penis alone... He is not capable to orchestrate anything with One instrument alone. No Woman, no organisation of man's desire. Without Her; the man is doomed, to man-sturbate, left alone to la jouissance de l'idiot...

Man lacks what he desires. His lack is REAL. Really a problem.

And he desires Woman.

He desires. Every-Thing for-It-Self.

Her, partial objects:
a foot,
a tongue,
an eye...

Every PIECE of Her he desires. With each piece he creates: Woman.

What does the man want?

Be true to his desire.

So be It.

So be It.
So be It.
So be It.

Be. It. Be. It.






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